View my portfolio featuring a range of creative projects throughout my college career, as well as personal work. Click each project to see view the in-depth design process and final outcomes.
Designing a cohesive set of logos for four different clubs at The American college of Greece. A creative, typographical approach was taken to develop this set of designs.
Using the design process to create a logo that represents myself and my design style. This logo is used throughout my website and all other touchpoints.
Personal travel blog and online store designed with WordPress. The blog features photos from my adventures, travel tips and tricks, and photography guides.
Creating a prototype of a redesign for Brian Head Sports. Used Figma to design a website with a functioning checkout system in User Experience Design I.
Using the design process to develop a brand identity for an almond milk brand. The packaging design adheres to the identity through color, typography, and layout.
Designing an informational trifold exploring the different styles of typography found in the city of Athens. Project was made in InDesign using a grid with margins and bleed marks.
Using Adobe Illustrator and applying design skills to create a promotional poster and Instagram carousel for a client-based project in Graphic Design I.
Designing promotional flyers for the SUU Community Engagement Center mini-breaks using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Posters were displayed on SUU campus.
Creating a promotional poster, Instagram story, and Instagram carousel by using color theory and typography in Adobe Illustrator. Client-based project in Graphic Design I.
Using Illustrator to create a collage style mug custom to a specific college. The colors, logos, and unique aspects of the school are incorporated into the design.
Travel Influencer Instagram account featuring my photography, travel tips, and travel inspiration while following all of the latest social media trends.
A narrative photography sequence for Digital Image I. The aim of this project was to understand how time of day affects the lighting and mood of a photo.